With Hanukkah coming early this year.. i.e.: right after Thanksgiving.. we have been quite busy. Add into the mix that we were leaving on a road trip to Florida on December 13th for 10 days to go to Disney World, I felt like I had no time to do anything certainly not cook. So here is what we have been up to instead..
In our house we celebrate Chrismukkah a mixture of both holidays, we did Hanukkah before we left and Christmas when we got back. But in between we have all our friends and family over for a big Yankee swap party..and this year we threw in a twist…The ugliest sweater would receive not only an extra prize but have an advantage in the swap. Here’s some of our silliness
Chrismukkah 2010
Me (l) and my bff Karen
Bff and her matching hubby before the change....
and after......
My sister and Brother-in-law before he changed…
and after…..
And the winner of the Ugliest Sweater is…. Well…. After a diplomatic vote.. it was a tie.. So how to break a tie.. Rock.. Paper.. Scissors of course!!
ohhh look a tie again…
and again……
and finally we have a winner!!!!!!
So that's what we were up to before we left… and now it’s already January 2nd. I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season and here’s to a Happy and Healthy New Year!! Stay tuned for some reviews from Disney and of course back to some good ole home cooking!!